Bruno Upper EL Classroom

Fall Festival, Theater, School Spirit, & Halloween

on November 3, 2024

The end of October has been a busy time for Upper Elementary! Students wrapped up organizing their portfolios for their parent conferences. As they led their conferences, students proudly showcased their best work to present to their parents. Students discussed highlights of their first quarter, areas where improvements are needed, and goals they set for themselves. It was great watching students learn to self-reflect on their academics and take ownership of their academic path for the second quarter.

Thanks to our supportive community, the Fall Festival was a big hit, and the PTO exceeded its fundraising goal! Thank you to all of our sponsors for your support! Upper Elementary’s Gru pumpkin won the popular vote and will receive a donut reward from the PTO.

Following the festival, on Monday morning, Upper students canvased the field and festival area, picking up leftover litter. While upper students were picking up trash, Mr. Dana asked them to pick up pine cones that inhibit walking to the field and playing on the playground. Students voted to give up their recess time to fulfill Mr. Dana’s request. Maria Montessori believed that children taught to care for their environment, inside and outside, would develop into more socially aware adults. You will occasionally see a random picture in a blog post of students sweeping an accidental mess, helping another student pick up a mess, tending to their daily classroom jobs, or other similar tasks. This is how Montessori instills care for the environment so that students care for it, even when no one else is looking or telling them to care for their mess.

The Fall drama production They Eat Sunshine, Not Zebra’s was a fabulous performance. Upper students worked on stage and off to perform a fantastic performance for students, staff, and their families and friends. Thank you to Ms. Peyton for her work directing the show, as well as Mr. Dana and all the parents who volunteered countless hours to make the wheels continue to turn smoothly for our drama department.

Bruno hosted its first Spirit Celebration following the dress rehearsal. The student body and our Bruno Bear celebrated students from different extracurricular and academic teams, such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, the JBMA Today crew, VEX Robotics, choir, student ambassadors, and cheerleaders. The VEX Robotics team, comprised of all Upper students, has excelled at their tournaments, placing 1st and 2nd, which earned them an invitation to The US Open in Omaha, Nebraska, in March! Go Bruno Bears!

October ended with Halloween fun! The day began with a parade around the track so parents and students could see everyone’s costumes. Thank you to the parents who could attend and support our community! The rest of the day was spent playing board games and enjoying friendships while Ms. Lucy kept an eye on her mischievous Minions and Mr. Gru to ensure no one stole the moon on Halloween. On Friday, November 1st, it was back to business as usual!

As we move into November, our daily routines will return to normal. We will not have a Thanksgiving celebration or feast but will instead have our Third Annual Holiday Feast in late December, which is a big event. We use this time for fellowship and encourage families to send dishes that reflect their culture or traditions. It has historically been one of the most enjoyable days for students and educators. More information will come regarding the Holiday Feast in December, but there will not be any Thanksgiving celebrations.


  • There is no vocabulary due this week, November 4th.
    • There is a unit review test on Friday, November 8th.
    • Unit 7 is due on Tuesday, November 12th.
  • There is no school on Monday, November 11th, in observance of Veteran’s Day.
  • There is also no school for Thanksgiving break from November 25th to the 29th.
    • Students return to school on Monday, December 2nd.

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