Bruno Upper EL Classroom

Week of September 6th-9th

on September 9, 2022

Can you believe it’s already September? We’re fully immersed into our curriculum and work cycles now, and the students are doing amazing things! Even though we had Monday off of school, the students buckled down and accomplished the work they needed to tackle.

In science, we have been exploring the Zoology unit. We’ve been discussing and exploring characteristics of living organisms, the 3 domains of living things, different ways scientists classify living organisms, and have just been introduced to the Kingdoms of Life. After we do a brief overview of each kingdom, we will go in-depth with each, beginning with the Animal Kingdom.

A few reminders:

  • Unit 3 vocabulary is due Monday and the test will be on Friday. Students are encouraged to bring their vocabulary book home throughout the week to study.
  • Please check-in with your child that they are keeping up with assignments, studying, and reading.
  • The JBMA 40th Anniversary celebration is on Sunday, September 18th, 2:00-4:00. All current and former students and families are encouraged to attend.
  • Please remind your child in the morning if they have an after school activity that day.

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